Mustafa’s consistent efforts helped him win a “Gold” in badminton singles and doubles at both the block and district level championships.
He is now all set to compete in the state-level badminton championship.
I am a part of the ‘Sports for Development – Badminton’ program, run by SRF Foundation in my school. It is due to badminton that I have achieved so much in life. As I play well, I got an opportunity to visit Mumbai where I played with several badminton stars like Peter Gad, Li Chon, and others. On Sundays, I travel to Gurgaon to train at a state-of-the-art facility, where I learn new techniques that help me improve my game further.
Mustafa’s consistent efforts helped him win a “Gold” in badminton singles and doubles at both the block and district level championships.
He is now all set to compete in the state-level badminton championship.
It’s been 7 Years that I have been studying in the Govt. Girls Middle School, Salamba. My classmates and I have struggled to receive education with the absence of basic amenities in the school. After SRF Foundation intervened, the level of academics, teaching & facilities have improved drastically in our school, resulting in better results overall.
I have been studying in the Govt. Middle School, Chandeni since 8 years now. Since going to school, I have witnessed major transformations brought both within and outside the classroom by SRF Foundation in the form of Library, Digital lab, Science lab, the establishment of Swachh Vidyalaya Committees, and other improvements.
Utilizing the Academic Enrichment Program workbooks in the schools, teachers are working on students’ skill development, which is essential. It feels great to know that an organization like SRF Foundation is working alongside the school and local community towards the betterment of our villages through quality education.
Earlier there was nothing in our village school. With the onset of the transformations brought by SRF Foundation, we have moved towards making our school a Model school
In the past 10 years, I have seen abundant physical transformations in our school ranging from library, drinking water stations & solar panel installation for uninterrupted power supply.
Our community has worked towards the empowerment of our daughters by ensuring free transportation services for 6 months to reach school campuses using locally available tractors and trolleys. After our school has been upgraded, our daughters are able to reach school without much support.
The schools from our 19 villages in the block Nuh, district Mewat look distinctive and stand-out as a model for other blocks to follow due to SRF Foundation’s provisions and support.
The primary reason for the academic, digital and physical transformation of our school in the past few years has been the effort & time put by the SRF Foundation. In the digital transformation phase, the provision and installation of digital classrooms has been a key factor in improving the learning outcome of our students
I appreciate the efforts of SRF Foundation to organise special remedial classes for our students during the summer vacations.
Community mobilisation has been of utmost importance among other collaborative work done with SRF Foundation. Together, we have raised the feeling among the students to take ownership towards the development of their school
Apart from the physical and academic transformations brought in our school, the provision of sports equipment and professional coaches for our students has helped them achieve both physical and mental development.
Every last Saturday of a month, we have a meeting with the school teachers to review the progress of last month & preparing plans for the next month for fulfilling the rising needs for school development & student growth through various channels of external mobilization.
In the school administered, I ensure that girls education is promoted and every girl child is at par with the boy child. To ensure this, SRF Foundation has played a decisive role through programs like ‘Udaan’, which gives wings to the girls of our village
In our SMC meetings, a broad range of school activities and development work is discussed. With constant support from SRF Foundation, the completion of the required facilities and resolutions for the arising problems have become an easier task to finish.
The Academic Enrichment Program workbooks made available to students by the SRF Foundation provide an impeccable medium for students along with the regular classrooms books to improve the learning outcomes and the level of overall education in the entire school.
When I first came here, our school was in ruins and the playground was a wasteland with absence of basic amenities for the children. In the past 10 years, things have changes drastically for us with the provision of facilities at par with private schools, all thanks to the efforts of SRF Foundation and its team.
Earlier, it was difficult for the teachers to connect with the local community to promote education in the villages. A link between teachers and the local community has been established by the stakeholders, post 2011, be it through enrolment drives or the regular parents-teacher meetings.
In the teacher training workshops, we have learnt how to make our classes interesting and engaging by enabling 21st century skills through activity based learning and practical applications and examples of the complex concepts.
The results of the academic year 2018-19 has increased substantially for the 10th and 12th grade students, all thanks to the quality education, facilities and support provided by SRF Foundation. Children have begun to take an active interest in studying and there has been a significant increase in the enrolment to the schools.
Out of everything done to drastically improve the education levels in our village, there is one program that I absolutely appreciate. The special remedial classes during the summer camp have provided a platform for the academically weak students to raise their individual learning levels.
Through SRF Foundation’s primary support, our Govt. School has been upgraded to 10th class in 2013. In addition, a science lab has been established by SRF Foundation. A special centre for ‘Udaan’ program has been launched for raising the level of girls’ education, with students coming from 19 villages of Nuh, Mewat. During the intervention process, we really benefitted from the dynamics of different stakeholders’ collaboration.
With SRF Foundation, we have worked for school education and society and community development. Pictorial workbooks for grade 1st to 5th grade students and ‘Rahat packets’ for menstrual hygiene have been distributed with support from SRF Foundation. SRF Foundation has played a key role in motivating children towards formal education.
SRF Foundation’s mission to transform Govt. Schools into Model Schools has altered the plight of school education in Mewat. When everyone works together towards one single objective, affirmative progress is an expected result. That is what we have achieved while working with SRF Foundation in the last decade.
For increasing the enrolment and bringing back the drop-outs, we have together organized fun integrated programs like ‘Khel-Khel Mein Taleem’ which attracted the interest of students and mobilized them towards receiving formal school education at their convenient nearby Govt. Schools. As a result, the overall teachers’ students’ engagement enhanced.
I have seen a drastic decrease in the girl dropout rates in the SRF Foundation adopted Govt. schools. Also, the specially designed Academic Enhancement Program workbooks have raised the learning level of students.
Your intervention has brought a digital revolution in the adopted schools in 19 villages through the provision of digital labs and smart classrooms. The infrastructure of the adopted schools is adequate for a student’s overall growth.
SRF Foundation has played a pivotal role in science promotion through various programs like Aavishkar Mobile Science Van, Science Labs, etc. This also improved the teachers’ attendance and encouraged them to give their hundred percent to the project.
SRF Foundation, as the primary implementation entity has supported these schools. The 42 schools in 19 villages have seen enormous transformation in the academic, digital, physical or sports facilities with its sustainable mechanism.
Until SRF Foundation began its intervention in Mewat, not more than 50 students participated in the organized tournament. After they intervened and supported us, 400-500 students participated in the tournament.
We have been able to work for water quality improvement. In the SRF Foundation adopted schools, I have never heard even once an outbreak of water borne diseases.
In the field of sports, SRF Foundation has promoted and nurtured the potential in trainees by taking them to events and platforms that the people of Mewat would never have dreamt of.
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